Most of us have heard the term "starving student" before, referring to a college student who is struggling to make their way through the journey of upper education. But taking out an auto title loan to make it by could be a decision that throws them and their finances off track. High interest rates and short-loan terms can send a student into an abyss of financial chaos and put their vehicle at risk. Struggling scholars are already trying to figure out how to pay for books, food, and the usual college-life entertainment. Getting strapped into a costly loan will only make it harder for them to see their way through to the end of educational tunnel.

Budgeting is a key term for college students. Knowing how to stretch a dollar and save for future financial circumstances may be just as difficult as taking that mid-term or passing a class. For many young students, this is their first time away from mom and dad and a new found relationship with being financial responsible. Under-budgeting, overspending, or both, can lead someone to taking out an auto title loan out of despair. Having a grasp on one's finances will prevent the need to borrow. College students should consider a couple things in an effort to save money and make their educational journey a little bit easier: