Spot loan

Spot loan

Your First Step

Look for programs that can help you to rebuild your credit. There are a number of small banks that will offer you a secured major credit card that would require you to deposit about $200.00 into there bank.

Secured Credit Cards

Use there card, pay on-time and after 6 month they will return your security deposit and offer you a unsecured credit card with a credit line of up to $2,000. They will also report your on-time payments to the credit reporting agencies. This will go a long way in rebuilding your credit history. Never pay an application fee to join a credit card program. If you are dealing directly with a bank, there is never a fee to apply.

Other Ways To Build Credit

Auto Loans

If you have a job, you can always get approved for an auto loan.
This is not one of the best ways to build your credit but it's a start. In order for this option to work, you must always send in your auto payment in before the due date.