Spot Loan Xiamen

Spot Loan Xiamen

My Instant approval payday loans story and the companies that offer them.

Not so long ago I found myself in a situation where I needed financial assistance pretty bad.

As an immigrant to the United States with no family support or long term friends to turn to for such an intimate issue as finances, it was, to put it mildly, a gut-wrenching moment that needed urgent attention Spot Loan Xiamen.

Add to the mix the fact that I did not have any credit at all, not even bad credit, and you'll understand the predicament I found myself in.

Sleeping in a fetal position whilst sucking on my thumb was not an option. I had a wife and new baby relying on me.

There's a saying out there that, if you think your bank does not care about you, try missing a couple of payments, and you'll see how really concerned they are about you!

Sadly, that concern does not transcend into help of any sorts, but more like an urgent nudge to produce some cash or else.

What I've never really been able to understand is, Banks charge you more for having insufficient funds in your account or for having no money to pay your bills as if you've just hit the jackpot Spot Loan Xiamen!