

Most of the Americans are ignorant of the fact that a bad credit score not only create hurdles in securing a loan but can also make them ineligible for the job desired by them. In a recent survey conducted by Visa USA reveals that just 20% of the Americans are aware that an employer can refuse to hire any prospective employee on the basis of their credit score. A whopping 52% respondents even termed it illegal while 28% were uncertain. The survey further reveals that nearly 42% consumers have never bothered to check their credit score and they did not know whether they have a good or bad credit score. A majority of the employers have even made credit check a compulsory part of the job application process, similarly like criminal background checks and drug testing.

Bad credit is a major deterrent for those seeking credit to finance their business and even to employees seeking a better job. But you do not need to get disheartened. The credit market has not dried up for you.