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Just like any other hard-working person, Canadians, too, need a cash advance from time to time. Before getting a cash advance, Canadian borrowers should obtain as much information as possible about the cash advance process. Payday loans may be lifesavers, but be sure you know all the facts before signing on the dotted line.

Canadian cash advances are similar to those offered in the United States, however most American cash advance companies do not allow Canadian residents to participate. As a result, cash advance companies specific to Canadians were created to accommodate needs of the Canadian borrower in need of a cash advance. These companies are similar to those in the USA, but are not offered in all Canadian provinces.

The loan process is actually quite simple. If you are a Canadian and you need extra cash right away, you can apply. Keep in mind, however, that these loans need to be paid off on your next payday. The loan amount usually depends on your income. Typically, a Canadian cash advance will fetch you anywhere from two-hundred to six-hundred dollars per pay period. Canadian cash advance interest rates average around twenty-five percent.