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Most people have experienced that sinking feeling as pay day floats on a distant horizon and yet another bill lands on a doormat much closer to home. With whole countries experiencing difficulties in paying the gas and electricity bill, the public sector wage bill and the multi-trillion overdraft, you are certainly not alone; but it may well feel that way. One hugely popular solution to the discrepancy between the final demand date and pay day, is the short term loan. Government and charity organisations have given many of the firms offering this type of loan a rough time, but the basic rule of 'you shouldn't borrow at a million per cent interest' is easy for experts and advisors to say when they have heating, lighting and a hot meal to go home to. So should you or shouldn't you?

The short answer and its longer cousin

The short answer is that you shouldn't, of course. The alternative answer is that from time to time you may have to. Borrowing from "pay day" loan companies, who prefer to be known as "short term loan" companies, is risky business. However, it can depend on who you borrow from and how sensibly you manage your debt. The basic rules are that if you are certain your wages will arrive on time and you are certain you can pay back on time then it may be an option to borrow.