

If you are in need of fast cash with minimal requirements, you may be inclined to get a payday loan. With the variety of payday loan lenders available these days, you need to know what to watch out for. There are plenty of sharks in the payday lending world, and you have to make sure you are not a victim of one of them. Here are some tips explaining how to spot a shark when you get a payday loan.

The Lender Asks for Money

If you are applying for a payday loan, you obviously don't have money to pay into a loan right this second. Thus you should steer clear of any loans that require you to pay money upfront. You may be asked for bank account or credit card information as a backup for the lender to get his money, but even then, you need to be cautious. See if you can opt to pay the company in person to protect yourself as much as possible.