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Many people with poor credit scores worry that their ability to improve their financial position is limited. While it is true that those with bad credit have a harder time finding lenders to work with, there are, in fact, still opportunities. You may even qualify for a personal loan which you can use to improve your bad credit through debt consolidation and improved repayment history. These personal loans for bad credit are offered to people like you every day. There are two types of personal loans that you can use for these purposes, which I will outline below.

Type One: Debt Consolidation

For those people with many credit card bills which seem to constantly pile up, condensing their payments into one can provide immense relief. This way, you only have one bill to pay each month and you will not be subject to revolving interest rates.

Consolidation loans for bad credit are generally offered through internet banks and private lenders. Because your credit score is low, finding a lender to work with can be a challenge. However, the degree of your "bad" credit will have a huge impact on this loan. A score of 650 is more likely to receive aid than a score of 520, for example.